Protecting Smile Stability With Scaling And Root Planing

Protecting Smile Stability With Scaling And Root Planing

When you have serious plaque and tartar buildup, this can lead to gingivitis and even gum disease. A traditional cleaning may not be enough to adequately remove buildup and protect your smile. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Fairport, NY, can offer treatment with a deep cleaning, also known as a scaling and root planing.

The Causes and Risks of Plaque and Tartar

The sugar and starch from the foods and drinks we consume can become trapped between the teeth. Harmful oral bacteria can break it down, in the process creating a sticky layer of plaque that coats the teeth and hardens with time into tartar. The buildup not only increases the risk of teeth stains and bad breath, but can lead to gingivitis and even gum disease. The disease then grows in severity unless addressed, and in the advanced stage, could lead to adult tooth loss. But our team can offer a deep cleaning, also known as a scaling and root planing, to help manage the disease and keep your smile whole and comfortable.

The Deep Cleaning Process

If you have severe buildup and the early stages of periodontal disease, then we can conduct a deep cleaning to help. Our team has decades of experience in helping patients with their periodontal concerns and keeping their smiles whole and healthy. With this procedure, an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool is used to thoroughly break up and remove the layers from both the teeth and the root. The procedure also destroys pockets of harmful bacteria beneath the gum line. The procedure could take one visit or up to four, it all depends on the severity of your buildup. We will nub your smile to ensure the process is a comfortable one. The last step is to polish the teeth, which not only leaves them shining, but limits the ability of plaque and tartar to adhere to the teeth.

Managing Your Periodontal Health

Following the scaling and root planing, our team will discuss treatment options to help manage the disease and keep it under control. For many, this includes a traditional dental cleaning every three to four months to control harmful oral bacteria and buildup. We could also discuss medications and other options to manage the disease, as well as better home care habits. If you have any questions about managing gum disease with a scaling and root planing, then contact our team today to learn more and get started!


We can provide a scaling and root planing procedure to help manage your periodontal issue and keep your smile whole. Give us a call at our Fairport, NY office at 585.223.6040 to learn more.