When we see patients missing most or all of their teeth, we want to offer a full arch replacement option so our patients can smile with confidence again. With a Confident™ smile, we can secure fixed dentures with advanced dental implants. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, want to offer a new […]
Our Blog
Taking On Your Tooth Loss With Dental Implants
When you have missing teeth due to gum disease, we want to do more than just manage the disease to protect your gum health. We also want to address your tooth loss and keep your smile whole and intact. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, want to offer a full smile with lifelike […]
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We Offer Solutions For Your Receding Tissues
When you have infection and periodontal disease, this could cause gum tissues to pull away from the teeth. This recession could lead to discomfort and even the risk of missing teeth. But we can help! Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, want to help protect your smile with gum grafts and more. […]
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How The LANAP System Offers Comfort
When you have sore, red, and bleeding gums, then you need treatment to manage your periodontal health and keep your smile strong. To offer this care with comfort and precision, then we can help with a dental laser system. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, uses LANAP to help your smile stay […]
Our Team Can Offer A Confident Smile
Do you have severe tooth loss? Have you tried traditional denture but want a more secure and lifelike option? With the lifelike Confident Smile® system, our team can secure a full set of replacement teeth that look and function like natural teeth. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, want to help you […]
Emergency Treatment For Your Gums
When you injure your gums, or notice a tooth is loose or lost, these are emergency periodontal situations that need attention right away. Which is why we offer emergency dental care! Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, can offer emergency periodontal care on short notice. […]
Protecting Smile Stability With Scaling And Root Planing
When you have serious plaque and tartar buildup, this can lead to gingivitis and even gum disease. A traditional cleaning may not be enough to adequately remove buildup and protect your smile. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, can offer treatment with a deep cleaning, also known as a scaling and root […]
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Treatment For Gum Recession
When you have a more advanced case of periodontal disease, then you may suffer from gum recession. These receding tissues change the shape of your smile and can lead to issues like tooth decay as well! But we can help correct receding tissues. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, can provide better smile […]
Tooth Extraction To Help Protect Your Smile
When you have teeth loosened by gum disease, or if we need to prepare your smile for tooth replacement, we may need to extract one or more of your teeth. Our team will take time to help you enjoy a comfortable and positive office experience, and aid in the replacement of the extracted tooth. Our […]
Dental Implants Act Like Natural Teeth
When we lose teeth, whether to injury, decay, or gum disease, this could leave behind gaps and even weaken your jawbone! To avoid an older appearance and restore function to your smile, we could help with dental implants. Our team of talented periodontic experts in Geneva and Fairport, NY, can help secure dental implants so you […]